About us

York Ventilation Service

We are a husband and wife team, Peter and Victoria, and have two young children. We have been running a reputable building and electrical business for over a decade and during this time we identified a common problem that occurs within the home, created from modern day living. We, therefore, decided to set up York Ventilation Service to help improve the living conditions of others.

It is common knowledge that more and more people are suffering from breathing problems such as sinusitis and asthma and also various allergies such as eczema, so we thought how can we help to eliminate these concerns. After researching the causes we realised that a lot of the problems start within the home as air quality is so poor, but without homeowners realising. Also with working in the building industry and visiting a lot of homes, it became apparent how people have been suffering in their own homes and not always realising how or why. There are many contributing factors but mould and damp are a common visible problem which can be detrimental to health.

As a typical family, we were facing these modern day living issues ourselves, so therefore we installed the ventilation equipment in our own home.  This has made a vast improvement, we no longer wake to condensation on our windows, which in turn had stopped mould growth.  We no longer open the windows every day as the air is fresher and as a result we are saving money on energy bills in the winter as the heat doesn’t escape.

We genuinely recommend having a ventilation unit installed by us in your home so you can see and feel the difference for yourself.

Call Pete on 07790 015742 or e-mail [email protected]